How to Treat a Dry Beard

Have a dry beard? Dealing with beard dandruff and are afraid to wear any dark clothing? I’ve been there and it’s not a fun place to be. Thankfully, there are many options that can help alleviate dry beard and skin issues.

Oils and Balms

Beard Oils and Beard Balms are a great first step in treating a dry beard. Many times when we wash our beards and dry them (especially if we use a heated brush or blow dryer) we dry out our hairs and skin causing them to get irritated and flaky. The carrier oils in beard oil and balms can help hydrate your skin and hair again, and depending on the ingredients, there may be essential oils (such as tea tree or lavender) that can help treat dandruff or dry skin. Often times just adding a beard oil to your daily routine can remedy a dry beard, but sometimes you need to take it a step further.

Shampoos and Conditioners

Choosing a good quality shampoo and conditioner is also a great option to help treat a dry beard. For awhile, I was only using beard oil and was still experiencing dry skin. I decided to try out a shampoo and conditioner and it was a game changer for me. I used the shampoo and conditioner from Beard Guyz (Amazon Affiliate Link for Beard Guyz) and after two days or so I could tell a difference. My beard wasn’t nearly as itchy and it just felt and looked better overall. Try to stick to shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredients and avoid anything that has a lot of fillers, sulfates, and other nasty synthetic ingredients.

Pay Attention to Your Beard

One thing I’ve noticed is that my beard will change throughout the year. I usually experience the highest level of dryness through the winter months when the air is cold and dry, but there are times, seemingly without reason, that my beard will go through a phase where an oil or balm that I was using seems to not be as effective anymore, so I have to switch it up. Our bodies change on a regular basis, so the way they react to products may also change. Also, if you are using a heated brush or blow dryer, consider using a lower temparture or decreasing the amount of time you expose your hair to the heat.

If you keep all of these things in mind, you should be able to develop a process and find products to help your beard look and feel healthier. Check out our Featured Products page to see more items we recommend for beard care. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on our Twitter and Instagram pages. We’d be happy to hear from you!

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